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Mobile Device boom Spurs Media ,Apps and Entertainment Spending Worthy for Marketer to Implement Mobile Social Media Marketing

The Mobile  era  has provided consumers  to combine all  the benefits of  Web 2   and Social media and convert  them to work  with   the  mobile  platform  enabling new forms of engagement  serving  the market  with media related  technologies   which  is   Multi –tiered  for different  mobile platforms (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows )  delivering  a variety of mobile tools, seamless cloud support  ,  GPS, Google Maps, QR code , mobile  coupon  ,one-touch calling,  analytic, and location based technology .  Developing a multi-platform strategy for businesses  with Mobile Intelligence and Social  Media  is no longer  an  option-it’s has  become  necessity. Social Networking platform   working with mobile intelligence  has the potential to revolutionize business processes across every industry.

Mobile  Social Media  Synergy 

As  consumers starts to embrace the mobile technology better , the business world also evolves  as users  become comfortable with them and  they  starts   to  accept   and  adapt  to the  effectiveness  and productive  benefits   which  Mobile technology  offers   in ways of communication , marketing , and engagement .
Social media  has been used  for distributing contents and  engaging  online  via computer  and now  with  mobility ,Mobile  Social media  offers better niche marketing , It can  do better   then mass marketing  by focusing  on niche marketing  with better    third screen  personal influence  and  reputation to  generate  desired results

Marketer who will get the most out of this new reality are usually  those who experiment  on the  connectivity  of these platforms, incorporating the  mobile technology  as a key way  to achieve business  objectives and attain  good results with profits   for delivering the best possible experience  openinging to a whole  new world  of  media  Influence , sales and profits

Unlike  the  other  ways  of  communications  ,  the mobile medium is   always  on the Go  , and always  On  , it  is very actionable and  delivers  information that is well acceptable  by all ages for  a wider  audience whose attention span from   communication purpose , to Mobile search , Location based orientation ,exploitation of Audio and Video media files, Social networking and especially to  access to new  Mobile apps  for all kind of application . 

That’s the  key  Star  power and influence of  marketing in the moment.

Small business owners are optimistic about growth, using social media sites and mobile devices to boost Marketing Exposure

Small and Medium enterprise  owners are  fast adopting the use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo , QQ , Google +  and Renen  alongside mobile technology to give their businesses better online exposure , according to an  recent  survey of 3,000 small to medium-size business (SME ) owners by  Info-mobie , an asian  based survey company in Hongkong . The survey also found there are  growing confidence  among SME  owners, with about 60 percent  of respondents already  owning a website  and intend to convert them to be Mobile friendly or to  integrate mobile coupon features  to their marketing program in the near future . Most of this  companies are embracing mobile devices to improve productivity, particularly among the food service  industry   and  those in hospitality trade   . Popular business uses of Mobile Social Media  include email , document, MMS , SMS text Promotion ,video  product demonstrations and mobile coupons

Mobile  Social media is  quite new  to most business owners ,but already  most of them has already  incorporated  social media strategies  as part of their  the business marketing program   led by Twitter   ,sina weibo  and Facebook  which are cited as  few of the leading  social networking site for their business. Overall, more than 70 % of the  surveyed companies  admit using  social  media as their marketing strategy  upgrading to mobile related apps ,  with  30 % experimenting  with  Foursquare and Jiepang  for Mobile coupon and location based marketing

Mobile Business " Engage Anytime ,Anywhere 

 In 2012 , the adoption rate of  smartphones  has far outpace older  featured  mobile cell phone
as the these mobile devices  are able  provide  internet  connectivity ,extremely powerful, and  fun to use ,load  with new mobile application .  Mobile media consumption has  since  soar as brands and marketers  increasingly use this platform  to engage with customers. Mobile  media   like video ,slides ,  video newsletters, and regular video communications  has become standard features   and is effectively  driving  Web surfing  consumer   to use their mobile for  web surfing and  search  function .

The  recent  boom in smartphones and other trendy gadgets is propelling spending on entertainment and media throughout  the  world . Spending on such products and services  in 2011  hit US 3.2 billion  .But this is tipped to exceed US 3.6 billion this year,  and hit US 3.88 billion  by 2015 ,

 The  world  entertainment and media outlook report found that digital media products including online advertisements and e-books , games, movie and music  downloads  accounted for 28 % of all entertainment and media spending last year. This proportion is expected to rise to 45 % by 2015

Mobile computing has also  further expand its footprint with the arrival and adoption of  mobile tablet devices.  Other  research indicated that more  mobile tablets  are  being manufactured  each  recent  years  which  are  in turn  are good news for marketers , and especially for business to consumers (B2C) marketers.

-          Tablet users spend 60% more per purchase than  smartphone users ,especially in Games download and  Apps  aiding in productivity and video sharing or photo sharing .
-          60 % of users  rate tablets as useful for online shopping compared to smartphone mainly due to the larger screen size
-          Consumers  tend to spend 25-35% more when purchasing on tablets compared   to other device

For this reason ,  marketers must come to terms with  the Mobile social Media  reality, as Mobile Interent enabled  device  usage is on the rise and is facilitating changes in user behaviour – from content users being   influenced  to how those  audience   engage interactivity  with new  content instead

The smartphone App Revolution

Recent Smartphone’s  Sales Statistics confirm the explosive growth and usage of mobile applications over the past few years especially for  top  major platforms with the  following  leading Operating  System  especially for  iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows  

Almost 70 % of smartphone owners have downloaded apps on their device since their initial purchase . Usually Free Apps  are most appreciated but usually  will come with  advertisements
as part of their  purchase package  and  it has been bringing in  good advertisement fee  with  major mobile publishers.

liiist - Mobile Social  Intelligence 

The growth and sales  of downloadable  apps in expected to reach  70 billion worldwide in 2015, at which the  app revenue will easily  surpass above  $ 30 billion. This Sales  figure  for  digital Application  media products   itself is  very alarming  and  is  an  important point for consideration  for mobile  marketers that is  if the  mobile applications sector  with  download  holds consistent  with this figure   then average  every marketers  will  need to consider  frequent creation  of useful   app experiences to engage your most valuable customers for every new campaign .

Based on  each  mobile apps sale’s statistic  with its technical  specification  of the  application’s  capacity and function, its  derived  sales figures   will provide  knowledge feedback  on the app  users behaviours , and preference  and provides marketers the feedback data  with  full option  ability to push  specific products  in  a more targeted and meaningful way. This  effective  option  to push notifications to your users  will be a  wonderful  effective  supporting  tool  for mobile application marketing , while more traditional method does not provide .


Given the  Device  Boom that spurs new   media  development with new technologies and  marketing  investments that has  brought on  the ultimate entertainment spending that are  driving  the new  world economy  into another frenzy  era   , the  New mobile and social media  intelligence   has  arrived  with new challenges and opportunities    and  one thing is  definite   that   is mobile  with social media    is poised to revolutionize the way organizations deliver, consume, and disseminate on   information.  

The convergence   mobile technology with Social Networking  is empowering more and more people
to make real-time  decisions. Users can communicate  with decision groups or customer  while  sifting  through relevant useful  data on their handheld devices and converting them to reach  an actionable insight. Rapid decision-making is key to improving the profitability of business. In today’s fast-changing, competitive business  environment,  with Mobile Social Media  Intelligence, decision makers now have the power to make these decisions immediately.

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