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Lifestyle Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurial Passion

Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Make Money from Doing what You Love and Passionate with ,Profit Even in Tough times

Lifestyle entrepreneurs  are  usually people  who venture  into business  for pursuing   lifestyle reasons, rather than  with the desire  for massive  financial  gain . They will  try to venture  into business initially  so they can enjoy  kind of work  which  they have passion with , work based on flexible hours , live how  they prefer , and engage   with people they like and admire or model  .

They usually have the strong belief  of  making a living  doing  something  they  have interest with passion  , giving  them more opportunities  which  let them  display  their high  degree of expertise and talent .This  same factor  is  also  driving    many entrepreneurs to the decision to start their own business. It usually involves long hours, especially when starting out, but a great deal of flexibility as well. 

It is known  than  more people are turning to entrepreneurship to support the lifestyle that they have always dreamed of  and recent stats  have shown   that  money is  not the only  driver for very few small entrepreneurs and self-employed people instead many entrepreneurs  express  that their   desire for independence prompted them to become entrepreneurs.  Other payoff or benefits  could  mean  they  can  enjoy  the motivation  to be  able organize their time  and  working only when they feel like it . Others choose to become a lifestyle entrepreneur to work from   home with their young children  or  for some other specific  reason  but  Mostly, they want to do the kind of work that they love.

Even so ,, lifestyle  entrepreneur  can  works for New comers  who lack the experience  in doing  business , It is also a  honest  way to make a living."  Youth entrepreneurship may starts  off  from here and especially for  young internet marketers  , Instead of  striving  for business  with   investment  while lacking of  experience , 

 Youth  entrepreneurship  may start off   with  similar  motivation of the lifestyle entrepreneur ,which   could  be  the   desire to work for themselves, learn  and earn and run a business that would fit around their lifestyles and ages .
Every Business  requires all the components of any successful start-up - a business plan, financial  funding, a niche product or service a  good perspective  mindset  and  also a vibrant market  to work on . ."To make it work, Youth  entrepreneurs need to enables others and the community to make positive life choices which allows them to maximize their potentials. They have the ability to learn, reinforce and practice to apply skills which is necessary to their development. It also helps them to reach out to positive academic, career, and personal goals to meet social competence, it is their gateway to a desired  “ Preferred Lifestyle “

Courtesy UTM 

The New Digital media engages youths and challenges them academically. Thus, helps to foster their abilities to express themselves and life-long learning. Journey of a thousand miles, begins with the First Step. So start off “First Step” as a Lifestyle  Entrepreneurs   and get a copy of the  New Book -
“Blogging by Million, Earn By Millions.”

This book inspire prospective young entrepreneurs to learn modern methods in online marketing and entrepreneurship skills and enable them to tackle the problem of unemployment by equipping them with internet marketing skill to take up income generating projects with New ideas 

Kindle _Blogging By Million 

Entrepreneurship starts young and as mentioned it will require much time to nurture with good attitude and entrepreneurship skills . A Good perception is needed to inspire youth that entrepreneurship is a strong opportunity for young people that they must be nurtured with while gain experience, self-esteem, and employability and create wealth.

All business start small before they get to grow . Entrepreneurship has been all the while been linked with being adventurous , ambition, dynamism, innovation , and a thriving enthusiastic spirit , But beyond that , However, there are only a few who are Not afraid to fail , who can sell ideas and turn them into profits, these few are the ones called entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is the process of trying out New ideas ,creating product or New services and assuming the role in
organizing, managing, and absorbing the risks, Not afraid of failure and enjoying the rewards of a business. Most people see entrepreneurship as the opportunity to pursue the dream of working for themselves. For many, it’s not always about the money, but rather, about the passion and the challenge. 

What would stimulate youth entrepreneurship? 

Start with a good old Lao Tzu’s saying 

“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. - Teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime" ………………..this famous quote is the best saying even for present societies which can inspire Youth to live by in order to promote them to become Young entrepreneurs.

Make Entrepreneurship an “Welcome “ option for young people. In many countries entrepreneurship is not perceived as a viable option for young people seeking employment. Main reasons are because of the following stigma 

Many families put much focus on earning wages rather than creating wealth as they have the perception that a good qualifications will guarantee people to be employed . Therefore this cause the expectation that if the family effort to help young people get a degree is not realized , will deem the youth’s future. Thus it has become a stigma to present societies around the world .

Another major stigma is Failure . The fear of failure is a strong discouragement to starting your own business. Entrepreneurship is not valued in many societies with high esteem as it is not similar to working with a Government agency or with a large corporation .

 Therefore potential young entrepreneurs are usually tend to be more risk averse and are less afraid of the financial and social costs of failure as they out weigh both the the benefits of success over failure

What would stimulate youth entrepreneurship? 
Capitalize on Social Media and networking and create good PR campaign to instill entrepreneur ideals for the Youth 

2. Ensure that education system is tailored relevant to the needs of young people to find decent and productive work. . This education should start from early school days through vocational training, universities and business incubation for young entrepreneurs. Pursue the need for developing the skills and attitudes that make up an entrepreneurial mindset for the Youth 
3 . Encourage entrepreneurial activities by promoting the concept of entrepreneurship and self-employment as well as training for entrepreneurs.

4 Reduce the fear of failure and boost perception of the value of entrepreneurs to society. Ensure the value to the economy of entrepreneurship and wealth creation is well understood by everyone involved in training, education and working with young people

5. Identify Role Models and champions from among young people and successful entrepreneurs. Persuade experienced business people to promote self-employment as a genuine career option for young people.

6. Create prestigious awards to celebrate the success of entrepreneurs

The opportunities available to an entrepreneur are totally unlimited which is most encouraging ,and now with the recent introduction of New Media technology , it offers Globalization opportunities for all whom dared to implement new ideas online 

Change Your Perspective and You will Change your Life

The Internet Millionaire Mind-set  with the right  perspective can Generate Millions for everybody through the internet

The Internet  Millionaire System  Mind-set
How Correct Mind-set and attitude with a good perspective can generate millions for  everybody  through the internet

Many subjects relevant to life and living are not taught in school. One of them is ‘How to Get Rich’.

When you work for someone else, your salary is determined by your employer ; a portion of that salary will have to be used to pay annual taxes, for rent , for transportation and yet another for daily expenses. Eventually, you will he left with just enough for your food for the month.

“Entrepreneurs, on the other hand think for themselves. They learn to maximize their manpower or facilities while they supervise to gain income from the work done by others, and enjoy the profits that this brings in. They work to build wealth and not just to earn an income.” 

It is True  that many have ambitions to be their own boss, they  are eager   and much willing  to strive , they’ll work, save up, and  hope to eventually achieve the dream. But only a few will  truly set their determination  to achieve  their ambition ,many  people short-change themselves along  the  way  with lack of confidence  and finally  resign to mediocrity  blaming on fate  but  fail to understand   that   the biggest Challenge to Starting Your own business is actually Themselves .

Blogging By  Million ,Earn By Million ,
 the   ebook by  Laura  Maya  has   been crafted  to bring   on Youth Inspiration to Entrepreneurship  .The ebook since it publication released in 2007 meant to provide readers  with a clear overview of Internet marketing through blogging and social networking and also the steps to help potential entrepreneurs to  succeed in cyberspace. In addition, entrepreneurs  will learn how to use the World Wide Web to your advantage and get an insight into the exciting world of the Internet. Practice what you learn  from the  blogging and internet marketing  contents  and  entrepreneuers  will learn how to be  able to sell your products online, as well as get into affiliate marketing through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and make tonnes of money in the process. Once you have perfected your business set-up, it will pretty much run itself with little maintenance, and you have all time and financial freedom you ever need.

Entrepreneurs  will gained  confidence because most  of them lack the know how  to  approach  the Internet online  platform  and this ebook  believes  in equipping all potential  with the entrepreneurial  mindset and winning strategies for  successful entrepreneurs, so you have the confidence to realise your dream  with  using  the latest Online Marketing  Strategies   to boost  their business .

Always  work  out a business plan and focus to build  your  winning business Ideas that will work for You .With  all the latest media  and information easily available online , get started  and  try  out  your New idea  by  modelling concepts and  make it work  based on proper business planning 

Know  your core interest , skill  and   your business   niche  and design a winning strategy within  your financial capacity   and focus your  strengths  and learn  how to establish  revenue stream and  know your competitors   in order to perform well  to succeed   in your business
It is  true  that  that  under  normal  business venture  ,many people  plan to quit their  full time job to start a business but  if you  plan  to be an online  entrepreneur, this  ebook  offer   strategies for you to kick-start your entrepreneurial ambitions while still keeping your day Job


The Internet Millionaire Mind-set-Good perspective can Generate Millions for everybody through the internet

The Internet  Millionaire System  Mind-set
How Correct Mind-set and attitude with a good perspective can generate millions for  everybody  through the internet

Many subjects relevant to life and living are not taught in school. One of them is ‘How to Get Rich’.

When you work for someone else, your salary is determined by your employer ; a portion of that salary will have to be used to pay annual taxes, for rent , for transportation and yet another for daily expenses. Eventually, you will he left with just enough for your food for the month.

“Entrepreneurs, on the other hand think for themselves. They learn to maximize their manpower or facilities while they supervise to gain income from the work done by others, and enjoy the profits that this brings in. They work to build wealth and not just to earn an income.” 

It is True  that many have ambitions to be their own boss, they  are eager   and much willing  to strive , they’ll work, save up, and  hope to eventually achieve the dream. But only a few will  truly set their determination  to achieve  their ambition ,many  people short-change themselves along  the  way  with lack of confidence  and finally  resign to mediocrity  blaming on fate  but  fail to understand   that   the biggest Challenge to Starting Your own business is actually Themselves .

Blogging By  Million ,Earn By Million ,
 the   ebook by  Laura  Maya  has   been crafted  to bring   on Youth Inspiration to Entrepreneurship  .The ebook since it publication released in 2007 meant to provide readers  with a clear overview of Internet marketing through blogging and social networking and also the steps to help potential entrepreneurs to  succeed in cyberspace. In addition, entrepreneurs  will learn how to use the World Wide Web to your advantage and get an insight into the exciting world of the Internet. Practice what you learn  from the  blogging and internet marketing  contents  and  entrepreneuers  will learn how to be  able to sell your products online, as well as get into affiliate marketing through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and make tonnes of money in the process. Once you have perfected your business set-up, it will pretty much run itself with little maintenance, and you have all time and financial freedom you ever need.

Entrepreneur s  will gained  confidence because most  of them lack the know how  to  approach  the Internet online  platform  and this ebook  believes  in equipping all potential  with the entrepreneurial  mindset and winning strategies for  successful entrepreneurs, so you have the confidence to realise your dream  with  using  the latest Online Marketing  Strategies s  to boost  their business .

Always  work  out a business plan and focus to build  your  winning business Ideas that will work for You .With so many   media  and information easily available online ,get started  to try  out  your New idea  by  modelling concepts and  make it work  based on proper business planning 

Know  your core interest , skill  and   your business   niche  and design a winning strategy within  your financial capacity   and focus your  strengths  and learn  how to establish  revenue stream and  know your competitors   in order to perform well  to succeed   in your business
It is  true  that  that  under  normal  business venture  ,many people  plan to quit their  full time job to start a business but  if you  plan  to be an online  entrepreneur, this  ebook  offer   strategies for you to kick-start your entrepreneurial ambitions while still keeping your day Job

 “Change Your Perspective and you will change your life. Do Not be a slave to the internet . Capitalize on it instead to make money online . Start blogging by Million and you will earn by millions, Yes it is possible , Not immediate but  over the years and you will find millions as long as you stay focused with  this perspective” .LM
. Do Not be a slave to the internet . Capitalize on it instead to make money online . Start blogging by Million and you will earn by millions, Yes it is possible , Not immediate but  over the years and you will find millions as long as you stay focused with  this perspective” .LM