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Mobile Business and Social Media Intelligence in China

Even  with consideration that  major social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube  are given  very little  exposure   in China ,these   does not limit   and restrict  web surfers   in China  to access  to  Mobile Social  Media   , especially  China-western- like alternatives sites like  Renren , Kaixin , QQ  ,Weibo  starts  to flourish  replacing  the  Western  oriented popular social  networking platform  . 

There are  many  mobile  and social networking  sites   like Kaixin, QQ which both  amount over 460 million followers  in China . Like  Facebook  and  Twitter, both Renren ( Chinese similar Facebook )   and  Weibo ( Chinese similar Twitter  )  has been used widely   in chinese communities   in many  countries throughout the world .

One main point  which I  noticed over the years  in China  is  that the  Chinese  do  highly  value word of mouth networking  more than in other countries because most  Governmental controlled public information are usually sanctioned or censored  , and tweets  can  spread  fast  to general users of  both mobile and social network ,due  to  phones has a direct empowering factor and   are more affordable  these days  in China . 

During  the course  of putting up the Mobile SocialMedia Intelligence  report,  my journey  has brought  me  to  many stats  board  to gather  some  data and we are most appreciate   to have enjoyed  the following  video  put  up  by  the Shanghaiist displaying  a nice informative animation from an  ad company ; GroupM  Interaction  with  result  data  quite  inline with  year 2011
                                          video Credit to :GroupM  Interaction

This  video  is very well presented  and  offers   alot of  interesting  facts , and  the most interesting part is  presented at the end where it shows  how a 10 year  old  Kid  cleverly applies his mobile strategy  to use an Location Based  Service  app to keep tab on where his father’s whereabouts  and proximity . 
Download  Free Report :  Mobile Social  Media Intelligence